Sunday, February 27, 2011

Doing the Butterfly

Hello!  Next in the series "Jumping in the Pool" is "Doing the Butterfly".  I've created another sketch and put together 3 layouts following the sketch on different rotations.  I titled this blog "Doing the Butterfly" because upon reviewing the layouts - they all had a butterfly tucked in somewhere!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Time for a QUICKIE

Prima Botanicals giveaway!

Hey All: 

Here's a Quickie Post!

Just saw that Prima Marketing Flowers is having a giveaway of a their Botanicals kit on Facebook!  Go out to Facebook and "Like" Prima Marketing Flowers, and follow the prompts to enter the contest!  Good Luck! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jumping in the Pool

Well, today it is 80 degrees in Florida.  Such a lovely pre-spring day!  I know many of you are snowed in, but let this blog carry you away to a warmer climate!  Today we are going to begin a series called "Jumping in the Pool".

For first time and new croppers, I remember how anxious I was to just do something, to make a page, to show something for the money I've invested in scrapbook supplies and tools.  So, today we are going to jump in!  I have created the following layout and will share with you the step-by-step directions on how to put it together.  It really is very simple, so don't be intimidated if you're just beginning!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Steps

Baby Steps… Yep I am going to try this blogging thing one baby step at a time.  Kind of like scrapbooking.  One doesn’t create a fabulous layout on the first try.  It takes some inspiration, some vision, a bit of creativity and a lot of faith that those bits and pieces of paper and ribbon, thread and paint, flowers and bling; and whatever else can be stuck to a paper will fit themselves together like a beautiful puzzle and in the end you will have something to be proud of.  Likewise, I am hoping I can craft my thoughts and words together in a way that bespeaks my passion for scrapbooking.  I’m gonna get my crop on!!!